Alina was born

So, at last Alina was born on 26th April 2012. Around 2-3 weeks earlier than the due date. It seems that she cannot wait any longer to enjoy the world :D. Or perhaps her mother’s little womb had become too crowded.

It begun with yuan having the water broke in the early hours of 25th April. We were a bit panic since we were pretty much unprepared :D. We didn’t find a name yet, Yuan hadn’t arranged her hospital’s bag, mother-in-law was still in china. But, well, once the motion sets in, nothing can stop it. The baby will come, ready or not :D.

And so, we got back to the St Mary’s hospital again. Perhaps, Yuan was very nervous.

Yuan got her induction rescheduled. She got the induction cream at around 12am. Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to accompany her until the late stage of her labour. So, I went home and tried to have some rest.

At 5.30am, I got a phone call from the hospital. Apparently, the induction made Yuan in pain and the baby was not happy as well. So, they moved Yuan to the birthing room to get close observation (one midwife accompanied us the whole time).

Luckily, the situation didn’t get worse. The baby’s heart rate became normal again. Yuan used almost all kind of painkillers from the non-sense ones (according to Yuan) e.g. gas & air or entonox and paracetamol to the more reliable ones e.g. diamorphine (no pain for a good 2 hours) and the painkiller-of-last-resort i.e. epidural.

Yuan calmed down after injected with diamorphine:

At last, she got her first 2 hours sleep at that day. The pain had kept her awake the whole night :(. Yuan got intravenous fluid replacement and antibiotic pills too (due to her water broke).

For the last 9 hours of labour (in total, 17 hours) Yuan relied on epidural, topped up every now and then. Thanks God, Yuand didn’t have any complication nor side effect.

After the long labour came the great news: Alina was born 🙂

This was the first time both Alina and Yuan said hello to each other :).

Alina was having quite a hard time to get out of her mother’s womb. The (junior) doctor tried ventouse twice and failed :(. Last, the senior doctor took the lead and used forceps and succeeded :).

I met Alina at last 🙂 after 9 months talking to (and singing to) Yuan’s womb hahaha:

And, the first time Alina was breastfed:

In that 17 hours of labour, I felt totally useless. I couldn’t do anything to help Yuan. The only thing I could do was to be there and be supportive. It had been amazing that Yuan succeeded to go through the long labour.

Yuan, our mothers, and all the mothers in the world are truly the unsung heroes. They deserve all the respect from her husband, children, and families.

4 thoughts on “Alina was born”

  1. Thank you Jimmy. I finally got to know the details. It is such a huge job to give birth to a baby. Yuan is amzing! When am I going to see hello to Alina?

    1. Talk with Yuan, she’ll tell you more :). Alina will go to china during the CNY 2013 or perhaps earlier :D.

  2. Ah Jimmy.. too many drugs and unnecessary intervention has been made for your little one and her mother. Have you never heard about gentle birth with natural and more human method of delivering a child? Where was your child born? Singapore? Or GB? So many gentlebirth provider in GB if you knew before. But anyway, congratulation for you, mother, and beautiful girl! God bless!

    1. Never heard about that ‘gentlebirth’. But we did know about water birth (etc), ‘natural’ pain killers, etc. Problem was the water broke earlier without any sign of establish labour. Hence, all the interventions were needed.

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