Water broke

Yuan’s water broke last night (wednesday, 25th April 2012, 1.30am). Then, we rushed to St Mary’s to have a check. After about one hour check, we were sent back home to wait for natural labour. In addition, the hospital also arranged an induction at 8am 26th April. So, it seems that we are going to meet with the baby within 24 hours. Exciting and also nervous at the same time. Please pray for the mother and the baby.

Everything is ok so far.

Here is the picture last night when yuan was having the check:



在上几个月里其实有许多事情需要纪录,但我的懒惰病又犯了,所以一直也没下定决心写。 Continue reading 一晃就九个月了



Continue reading 闺女,你是在妈妈肚子里练功夫吗?


小傻批评我不更新日志了,被“逼”之下,我上来冒个泡了。呵呵,其实也不是这样,关键是我这一个月一切良好,没什么要特别纪录的。首先,已经度过了前三个月的孕吐期和不稳定期,第四个月的状态超级好,没有长胖,肚子也还不是太大,不告诉别人的话,没有人知道我怀孕了。我常常跟大家开玩笑说,我还是身轻如燕呢。 再次,我还不能感觉到宝宝的任何动作,每天吃得好,睡得香,感觉跟怀孕前没什么两样。
Continue reading 进入第五个月了

朋友们的祝福(Friends’ congrats and wishes for your coming)

我们在11月4日做完第一次B超检查后,分别在人人和facebook 向大家公布了我怀孕的消息,以下是大家美好的祝愿. 在此纪录下来,希望你长大了,能看到爸爸妈妈的朋友和家人给你的珍贵祝福。


史尚媛 : 好消息藏了三个多月,可把我憋坏了,是时候宣布了,我有宝宝了,三个多月了,为宝宝建了个网站:tanaya.me ,希望纪录下他/她的成长和我们全家人的幸福时光,等他/她长大了,做给礼物送给他/她,欢迎亲戚朋友们留下你们宝贵的祝福,every word will be appreciated.

许潇 Xenia: Wow, congratulations. Love you Abby. I shall come to see you sometime when I go to Manchester.

朱振梅: congrat!

史尚媛: 回复许潇 Xenia: Thanks. Please come to visit me, and ask me out for girls’ day when I still can enjoy the girls’ freedom. Hahahaha…hope to see you soon

史尚媛: 回复朱振梅: Thanks

唐怡: U did hide it!!!!!congratulations! Take care and be happy everyday!

唐怡 : What’s ur plan during Christmas?let me know when u will be at home and I will visit u for a few days during Christmas holiday!!miss u~

高大翔PETER: 恭喜啊

张小艺: 天呢,太惊喜了

陈梦: 恭喜恭喜~~~~幸福滴准妈咪~~~~

张小艺: 亲爱的你现在在英国工作了么在什么公司 那你是不是决定在那里生孩子然后就定居那里啦

吴穹: 哇,您竟然能憋三个月,恭喜!是个龙宝宝啊

苟嘉羽: 好激动啊,真为你开心,加油啊龙妈~

时曈: 笑

梁娟: 要成茄子麻麻了!恭喜恭喜呀

史尚媛: 回复唐怡: We are planning for the Christmas now, want to go somewhere but a bit afraid of weather and my health, please come, even we go somewhere you can join us, otherwise staying in Manchester for Christmas is not a bad idea, will call you.

史尚媛: 回复高大翔PETER: 谢谢

史尚媛: 回复陈梦: 谢谢,你也加油阿

史尚媛: 回复张小艺: 在会计师事务所,应该不会在这里定居,不知道还会待多久,现在一切未定

史尚媛: 回复吴穹: 真的憋得很痛苦

史尚媛: 回复时曈: 下次回来就请你给我的宝宝照像啊,呵呵

史尚媛: 回复苟嘉羽: 谢谢,你也加油

史尚媛: 回复梁娟: 哈哈,好久没人称我茄子了,你还记得,谢谢哦

袁佳丽lily: 天呐,茄子有小茄子了,恭喜啊 呵呵~

施锦丹: 恭喜哦,哈哈

李燕超: 哇噻~~好主意哎这就去逛逛

吴穹: 回复史尚媛: 你准备在哪里生

史尚媛: 回复吴穹: 应该就在英国生吧,这里免费,哈哈…

史尚媛: 回复袁佳丽lily: 谢谢,呵呵

史尚媛: 回复施锦丹: 谢谢哈

史尚媛: 回复李燕超: 调皮

王引: 我在看你的网站!!!!好温馨哦!阿!!!!!!!!so jealous

史尚媛: 回复王引:哈,谢谢捧场, 激励我要及时更新了,你还好吗?现在啥情况?

Yuan’s Facebook

Shangyuan Shi: It is so difficult to keep a good news as secret for so long, now I would like to announce: I am pregnant!!! three months already. Please remember to leave your seat for me next time you see me — with Jimmy Tanaya.

Lucy Eunyoung Kim: Great to know it! Congratulations!:)

Kimberley Brathwaite : Congrats to both you and Jim!! 🙂

Swati Sapra : way to go la.. congratss… god bless xx

Meilin Su: I could share this good news to our brothers and sisters. Congratulations!!!

Elizabeth Elyana: Jimmy and Abby. So happy for you. Cheers from Jakarta 😉

Johnny JiaQi Hou: congrats!

Danny Pudjianto Wooow !! Congrats to both of you …. Fantastic news !

Lisa Pace: Great news Abby and Jimmy. Big congrats and take good care

Emerson Pascawira Sinulingga Congratulations for Abbey and Jimmy Tanaya…God bless.

Selena Wan-Tien Tai ‎Abby!!!! How could u hide this amazing news from me!!!! Is this the secrect plan u r going to tell me tonight? Then I definitely need to take special care for u at the retreat!!! Jimmy, we’ll look after ur lovely wife!!!!!:D

Fahita Advani Very happy for both of you! Such an amazing news,

Echo L. Dear, 真是好消息呀, 恭喜妳和Jimmy~ 哇哇哇要照顧身體唷!!

Catherine Longworth congratrulations!!

Larry Roope Ah congratulations! 🙂

Lena Tanaya Sis…..I’m so happy, congratulations…

Yaqi Yin Congratulations Shang Yuan! Take care! xx

Lei Wu Oh dear!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Lei Wu If you have any plan to go back to Yichang, you can go to see my mum- she is a professional tocologist. Please do let me know if you need any help! We are very happy to help you! 🙂

Khean-Teik Goh Congratulations 😀

Lisa Ekawati Congratulation Abby and Jimmy..

Shannon Xiaoshan Zhang Congratulations!!!

Yuni Sucipto Omgggggg congratulations 🙂 jimmy Tanaya, better behave now. U r going 2b a dad

Shangyuan Shi Thank you all for your great congrats. All your good wishes and will be recorded and given to our baby when he/she can read and underastand, since we have set up a web for him/her to record the whole process. Thank you all.

Shangyuan Shi ‎@Selena:thank you taking care of me during the weekend, bearing with me the over excitement and non-stop talking. I had a great time with all of you.

Shangyuan Shi ‎@Meilin: Thank you for keeping the secret for me for so long, worthy trusted girl.

Hengyi Wang congratulations!!!!

Shangyuan Shi ‎@Wu lei: thank you for offering the help, I should have thought about the fact your monther being a tocologist before I decided to give a birthin Uk.Considering my work, my husband’accompany, afraid of the caesarean(which are used so often in China), we decide to give birth here, though still a bit afraid, would be happy to consult with your mother when needed, thank you again.

Shangyuan Shi ‎@Elizabeth: glad to hear you,remember to share the good news with us wheh it comes. Btw, we will upload the video you made for us to our baby’s web, really love it, thanks

Shangyuan Shi ‎@Echo:好几次想打电话告诉你这个消息呢,但因为妈妈说有这个三个月不能说的禁忌,所以也忍到现在才告诉你,真希望你今年来英国看我大着肚子的样子或者明年来看我的宝宝,你可是我一路的见证人哦

Yanchao Li Haha finally! ~~

Jimmy’s Facebook

Some USG-scan’s photos: http://tanaya.me/?p=180 Now, i don’t know why facebook grab “you may use these HTML tags blah blah blah” instead of the real content of our website. Please visit the blog to read the short content. Thanks all. — with Shangyuan Shi.

Hello all | Rongyuan

Astri Pramarini Woow… Congratulations Jimmy 😀
Pipit Kartini ah ha!jimmy junior will coming soon yaa…huhuuuyyyy
Jimmy Tanaya hahaha thanks Pipit Kartini. Mudah2an sih juniornya si istri. Kalo mirip gua, gak sanggup ngatasi nakalnya :D.
Jimmy Tanaya ‎Astri Pramarini, Fahita Advani, Lola Devung, Lishia Erza, Marianne Esders: thanks :).

Lena Tanaya Jim.. Kaga jelas nich USGnya! Btw.. Selamat akhirnya jd juga adiknya yinyin
Intan Saragih selamat ya Jim…semoga istri dan si jabang bayi sehat selalu
Jimmy Tanaya lihat di link-nya Sao. ada gambar yang lebih jelas. Thanks evi.
Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Anh All the best wishes to you guys and the baby 😀
Saritha Uda hi Jimmy en isteri, selamat berbahagia ya.Tuhan melindungi selalu.
Jimmy Tanaya thanks anh & saritha


11月21日星期五,我怀孕的第十周,我们第一次被约去医院见助产师,也是第一次跨进圣玛丽医院(St Mary’s hospital),也就是我未来即将生产的医院。也许是因为生孩子的部门(不好意思,不知道怎么准确用中文表达)是一个迎接新生命的地方,与孩子有关,整个住院大楼竟给人十分温馨的感觉,进门就是挂着气球的礼品店,墙上到处贴着五颜六色的可爱的宣传纸,更难得的是没有一般医院的那种药水味儿,早就 听说这医院的好多部门一年前都搬进了新大楼,可眼前明亮宽敞的住院大楼还是给了我不小的惊喜,至少缓解了一下我的紧张心情。
Continue reading 第一次去医院见助产师



九月初的时候,我们隐隐约约觉得我有可能会怀上,所以在6号早上测了一下早孕试纸,当看到试纸上显示”+”时,我很平静地告诉还在熟睡中的老公我刚做了测试,他噌的一下坐起来问”怀上了?” 我点点头。我不得不承认他比我要兴奋得多,而当时的我竟然没有太大感觉,也许一切都是在意料 之中吧。在接下来的两三天里,我才逐渐找到感觉,慢慢兴奋起来。接着我就给妈妈打了个电话,妈妈很开心地祝贺我,然后给我公公也打了个电话,因为早上要赶着上班, 没有多说,只是通告了一下消息。 平静地在公司渡过了一天,晚上回到家,我开始怀疑自己是不是真的怀上了,因为我一点反应也没有,测试会不会有误,所以过了两天我们又去买了张试纸,又测了一次,结果是一样的。
Continue reading 过去的十周